#What is the most unknown fact tv#
In the early days of computer networking, coaxial cables were used, the same type of cabling that is commonly used for cable or satellite TV today.Ethernet – the most commonly used wired Internet – was invented almost half a century ago in the early 1970’s, by Bob Metcalfe.Wireless Internet signals generally emit from your router in a doughnut shape.With the global average fixed Internet speed sitting at 120.33Mbps, Monaco is storming ahead as the fastest country in the world, with an average fixed Internet speed of 270.25Mbps! Want to know how fast your own Internet is? Check it with Fing, it's free!.What added to the confusion was the Wi-Fi Alliance’s use of a nonsense advertising slogan, “The Standard for Wireless Fidelity,” which led many people to think that Wi-Fi was an abbreviation of “Wireless Fidelity”. However, Wi-Fi doesn’t actually stand for anything.

Interbrand invented the term “Wi-Fi” as a play on words of the term “Hi-Fi” or “High Fidelity”.Previous names for wireless Internet were WaveLAN, FlankSpeed, DragonFly, WECA and IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence, before the more consumer friendly name of Wi-Fi was adopted.Mobile Internet traffic makes up 55% of the total web traffic. Over 90% of Internet users across the world use a mobile device to connect to the Internet.It may seem like only yesterday we were all dialling in for our Internet connection, but wireless internet was actually founded in September 1990! Wi-Fi was only introduced to the public 25 years ago!.